Te Atatū Peninsula Rebrand

The Te Atatū Peninsula Business Association commissioned a rebranding for the town centre, realising the value of creating a stronger brand image to attract businesses, residents, and tourists.

Te Atatū Peninsula operates a Business Improvement District (BID) programme in partnership with Auckland Council, enabling the business association to market and promote the vibrant village through events and a quarterly magazine among many other endeavours.


Primary Lockup


Life on TAP primary logo


Brand Elements


Life On TAP branding elements


A peninsula coastline supergraphic element has been developed as an optional theming device to be used with the lockup and logo assets. This can be applied as a primary graphic element or watermark.

Life on TAP details

Variant Lockups

Lockup variations based on the Primary Lockup are possible, as shown here. These are intended to highlight more specific themes within the community. All rules around colours, backgrounds, spacing and minimum sizes outlined for the Primary Lockup also apply to these variations. Note that “Business on T.A.P.” is the only lockup permitted to have a unique colour scheme.

Life on TAP variants


Examples in use

Life on TAP welcome sign

Views on TAP magazine


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